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Guitar Challenges, General Rankings

Free Guitar Challenges Gratuits : Classement général des meilleurs guitaristes du site, tous défis confondus.
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Rank Guitarist Score
1 8.733
2 azer16 8.421
3 lucasblues 8.154
4 MiniSkirt 8.083
5 Lestael 7.832
6 SuN 7.786
7 Cahaya 7.497
8 MathieuB 7.478
9 Dystopia 7.444
10 davanlo 7.167
11 grower 7.154
12 FOwear 7.111
13 Fredi 7.111
14 Villa 7.078
15 Hugo 7.008
16 IamShrek 6.726
17 spaille 6.519
18 fokesachy 6.455
19 cenequemoi 6.3
20 ghost-rider 6.188
21 Ninqueelen 6.161
22 toffy 6.092
23 Jimnol49 6
24 theking13 5.917
25 5.857
26 cornito 5.837
27 ptifillot76 5.769
28 Clic-ici 5.75
29 Nico69 5.5
30 penhuel 5.301
31 Sgtpepper 4.867
32 gdev00 4.542
33 tony06 4.308
34 JEUSDI 3.448
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Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence
(Robert Fripp)