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Guitar cover Speak of the Devil A Day To Remember

Cover of the song Speak of the Devil by A Day To Remember at the guitar. Cover by : dokidunn.

GUITAR TABS FOR FAST FOWARD TO 2012: https://es.scribd.com/document/685741712/A-Day-to-Remember-Fast-Foward-to-2012-2-Guitars-Tabs BASS TAB FOR FAST FOWARD TO 2012: https://es.scribd.com/document/685741783/A-Day-to-Remember-Fast-Foward-to-2012-Bass-Tab GUITAR TABS FOR SPEAK OF THE DEVIL: https://es.scribd.com/document/685742052/A-Day-to-Remember-Speak-of-the-Devil-2-Guitars-Tabs BASS TAB FOR SPEAK OF THE DEVIL: https://es.scribd.com/document/685742214/A-Day-to-Remember-Speak-of-the-Devil-Bass-Tab

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