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Introduction to guitar amps

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If you use an electric guitar, then you probably have an amp. But do you know what's inside your amp? How it works? What kind of amps are out there? In this lesson we'll learn a few useful things about the guitarist's best friend.

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Guitar amps are an essential piece of equipment to have when you play with an electric guitar. Without it, you wouldn't have any sound. But it's even better when we understand what they are, how they are build, the different techs we can find etc... We won't go too deep on this subject because we could write entire books about it, but we'll see together the very basics every guitarist should know. After this lesson you'll know enough to understand the reviews you might read or see, and you'll be better equipped to buy your very own amp.


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La musique n'est pas un métier, c'est la vie, tout simplement ! L'interprétation, ce n'est pas le travail de dix minutes, de dix jours ou d'un mois, c'est le produit de toute la vie.
(Grigory Sokolov)