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The Palm-Muting Technique

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The palm-muting technique consists in muting the strings by placing the side of the strumming hand across them, near the saddle.

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Obviously, depending on the hand position and the pressure applied on the strings, it can result in different sound​​s (light to heavy mutin).

Not much to explain about that, just follow the hand position below:

right hand position on palm mute


Although palm-muting is mainly used on electric guitar, it provides interesting sounds on acoustic guitar as well, including a rather punchy sound.

Palm-muting is symbolized by the "PM ------>" mention (or something like that) under the tab.


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La musique n'est pas un métier, c'est la vie, tout simplement ! L'interprétation, ce n'est pas le travail de dix minutes, de dix jours ou d'un mois, c'est le produit de toute la vie.
(Grigory Sokolov)