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Thin Air tab

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Free Thin Air tab for the acoustic guitar. Learn to play Pearl Jam with easy chords for beginners
Ukulele Version: Thin Air Ukulele

Chords (7)

How to read and play chords for beginners

Chord C (x,3,2,0,1,0)
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Chord D (x,x,0,2,3,2)
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Chord E (0,2,2,1,0,0)
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Chord F (1,3,3,2,1,1)
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Chord G (3,2,0,0,3,3)
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Chord B5 (x,2,4,4,x,x)
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Chord A (x,0,2,2,2,0)
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How to read a Tab

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Intro: [E E] x4

1st verse :
          E E             C C            E E       E E
There's a light when my baby's in my arms
          E E              C C                 E E      E E
There's a light when the window shades are drawn
    E E           C C             E E            E E
Hesitate when I feel I may do harm to her
        E E              C C              E E           E E
Wash it off cause this feeling we can share?

Chorus :
      C C                     D D - A A -    E E      E E
And I know she's reached my heart in thin air


2nd verse :
     E E         C C              E E       E E
Byzantine is reflected in our pond
           E E             C C             E E      E E
There's a cloud, but the water remains calm
         E E            C C                  E E            E E
Reaching in the sun's fingers clutch the dawn to pass
     E E           C C                 E E       E E
Even out, it's a precious thing to bear

Chorus :
      C C                     D D - A A -    E E      E E
And I know she's reached my heart in thin air
      C C                     D D - A A -    E E      E E
Yes I know she's reached my heart in thin air

Bridge :
     F F  -      C C   -      G G
It's not in my past to presume
         D D                  A A
Love can keep on moving, in both directions
F F  -      C C   -     G G
How to be happy and true
       D D                  A A            A A
Is the quest we're taking on together
       E E>let ring  (E E)      
Taking on, on, on, on, on...
       E E>let ring  (E E)         B5 B5      B5 B5
Taking on, on, on, on, on...
          B5 B5            G G            B5 B5         B5 B5
There's a light when my baby's in my arms

Chorus :
      G G                     A A -  E E  -  B5 B5      B5 B5
And I know she's reached my heart in thin air
      G G                     A A -  E E  -  B5 B5      B5 B5
And I know she's reached my heart in thin air
      G G                     A A -  E E  -  B5 B5      B5 B5
And I know she's reached my heart in thin air
       G G                          A A -  E E - >let ring (both)
Yes I know she's reached my heart.     


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(Robert Fripp)