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Omaha tab

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Tablature gratuite Omaha pour guitare acoustique. Partition Counting Crows avec accords pour débutant
Version Ukulélé: Omaha Ukulele

Accords (9)

Comment lire et jouer les accords

Accord C (x,3,2,0,1,0)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord D (x,x,0,2,3,2)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord Em (0,2,2,0,0,0)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord G (3,2,0,0,3,3)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord Bm (x,2,4,4,3,2)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord D/F# (2,0,0,2,3,2)
Accord Em/D (x,x,0,0,0,0)
Accord G/B (7,10,9,7,8,7)
Accord A (x,0,2,2,2,0)
Voir photo de l'accord


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Comment lire une Tablature

Capodastre en case 2

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Changer de tonalité :
Intro: [Em Em]>let ring[D D]>let ring[Em Em]>let ring[C C]

1st verse :
Em Em                  Bm Bm
  Start tearing the old man down
    D D                    A A                     Em Em
Run past the heather and down to the old road
                  Bm Bm                    C C
Start turning the grain into the ground
C C                     Em Em
Roll a new leaf over  
       Bm Bm                             D D
In the middle of the night there's an old man 
          A A                           Em Em
Treading around in the gathered rain  
                           Bm Bm            D D
Well mister if you want to walk on water
              C C              G G
Oh, Could you drop a line my way

    D D        Em Em
             C C               
Somewhere in middle America  
G G                 D D                 C C
 Get right to the heart of matters
         C C                  G G         D D
It's the heart that matters more
                     Em Em               A A             C C
I think you'd better turn your ticket in
             C C                 G G -- D/F# D/F#-- Em Em-- Em/D Em/D-- C C-- G/B G/B-- D D-
And get your money back at the door

Verse 2:
Em Em                 Bm Bm
 Start threading a needle
D D                            A A                            Em Em
Brush past the shuttle that slides through the cold room
                  Bm Bm                     C C
Start turning the wool across the wire
C C                      Em Em
Roll the new life over
       Bm Bm                             D D
In the middle of the night there's an old man
              A A                              Em Em
Threading his toes through a bucket of rain
                             Bm Bm               D D
Hey mister you don't want to walk on water
                     C C                   G G
You're only going to walk all over me
    D D        Em Em
             C C               
Somewhere in middle America  
G G                 D D                 C C
 Get right to the heart of matters
         C C                  G G         D D
It's the heart that matters more
                     Em Em               A A             C C
I think you'd better turn your ticket in
             C C           
And get your money back at the door

Bridge : [G G -- D/F# D/F#-- Em Em-- Em/D Em/D--][C C-- G/B G/B-- D D-- D D--] x4

3rd verse :
Em Em                 Bm Bm
 Start running the banner down
D D                          A A                            Em Em
Drop past the color come up through the summer rain
                  Bm Bm                     C C
Start turning the girl into the ground
C C                      Em Em
Roll a new love over
       Bm Bm                          D D
In the middle of the day there's a young man
              A A                              Em Em
Rolling around in the earth and rain
                              Bm Bm                 D D
Hey mister if you're going to walk on water, you know
                     C C                   G G
You're only going to walk all over me

    D D        Em Em
             C C               
Somewhere in middle America  
G G                 D D                 C C
 Get right to the heart of matters
         C C                  G G         D D
It's the heart that matters more
                     Em Em               A A             C C
I think you'd better turn your ticket in
             C C           
And get your money back at the door

Ending : [G G-D/F# D/F#-Em Em-Em Em][C C-G/B G/B-D D-D D]  x2


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(Mikhaïl Bakounine)