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Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill tab

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Tablature gratuite Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill pour guitare acoustique. Partition The Beatles avec accords pour débutant

Accords (9)

Comment lire et jouer les accords

Accord C (x,3,2,0,1,0)
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Accord Dm (x,x,0,2,3,1)
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Accord Em (0,2,2,0,0,0)
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Accord E7 (0,2,0,1,0,0)
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Accord F (1,3,3,2,1,1)
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Accord Fm (1,3,3,1,1,1)
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Accord G (3,2,0,0,3,3)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord Am (x,0,2,2,1,0)
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Accord A (x,0,2,2,2,0)
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Chorus :
C C    G G       C C    Fm Fm           C C    Fm Fm       G G
Hey bungalow bill what did you kill bungalow bill
A A   E7 E7       A A    Dm Dm           A A    Dm Dm       E7 E7     E7 E7
Hey bungalow bill what did you kill bungalow bill

1st Verse:
    Am Am            C C                F F            F F  -   G G   -
He went out tiger hunting with his elephant and gun
Am Am          C C            F F               F F  -   G G   -
 In case of accidents he always took his mom
Em Em                    G G             Am Am             Fm Fm>let ring   (Fm Fm)
He's the all american bullet headed saxon mother's son

Chorus :
C C    G G       C C    Fm Fm           C C    Fm Fm       G G
Hey bungalow bill what did you kill bungalow bill
A A   E7 E7       A A    Dm Dm           A A    Dm Dm       E7 E7     E7 E7
Hey bungalow bill what did you kill bungalow bill

2nd verse :
Am Am           C C                F F            F F  -   G G   -
 Deep in the jungle where the mighty tiger lies
Am Am            C C             F F            F F  -   G G   -
 Bill and his elephant were taken by surprise
Em Em         G G                 Am Am                 Fm Fm>let ring   (Fm Fm)
So Captain Marvel zapped him right between the eyes

Chorus :
C C    G G       C C    Fm Fm           C C    Fm Fm       G G
Hey bungalow bill what did you kill bungalow bill
A A   E7 E7       A A    Dm Dm           A A    Dm Dm       E7 E7     E7 E7
Hey bungalow bill what did you kill bungalow bill

3rd verse :
Am Am            C C               F F              F F  -   G G   -
 The children asked him if to kill was not a sin
Am Am           C C                     F F             F F  -   G G   -
"Not when he looked so fierce" his mommy butted in
Em Em              G G                       Am Am            Fm Fm>let ring   (Fm Fm)
"If looks could kill it would have been us instead of him"

Chorus :
C C    G G       C C    Fm Fm           C C    Fm Fm       G G
Hey bungalow bill what did you kill bungalow bill
A A   E7 E7       A A    Dm Dm           A A    Dm Dm       E7 E7 
Hey bungalow bill what did you kill bungalow bill
C C    G G       C C    Fm Fm           C C    Fm Fm       G G
Hey bungalow bill what did you kill bungalow bill
A A   E7 E7       A A    Dm Dm           A A    Dm Dm       E7 E7
Hey bungalow bill what did you kill bungalow bill
C C    G G       C C    Fm Fm           C C    Fm Fm       G G
Hey bungalow bill what did you kill bungalow bill
A A   E7 E7       A A    Dm Dm           A A    Dm Dm       E7 E7
Hey bungalow bill what did you kill bungalow bill
C C    G G       C C    Fm Fm           C C    Fm Fm       G G
Hey bungalow bill what did you kill bungalow bill
A A   E7 E7       A A    Dm Dm           A A    Dm Dm       E7 E7>let ring
Hey bungalow bill what did you kill bungalow bill


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(Samuel Johnson)