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Spirit Bird tab

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Il n'y a que 4 accords dans cette chanson, mais de nombreuses nuances : accords simples à laisser sonner, arpèges (on ajoutera bientôt la tab), et rythmique. C'est l'occasion de bosser l'interprétation d'un morceau. Si vous chantez en jouant, attention de garder le rythme sur les accords plaqués, et à la synchronisation avec l'arpèges. Il est aussi possible de jouer la partition avec un capo en case 5, ce qui aura pour effet de n'avoir que des ouverts (C, Em, G, D), parfait pour les débutants! Voici le lien direct: https://www.tabs4acoustic.com/tablatures-partitions/xavier-rudd-guitare/spirit-bird-tab-acoustique-485.html?k=-5

Accords (4)

Comment lire et jouer les accords

Accord C (x,3,2,0,1,0)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord F (1,3,3,2,1,1)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord G (3,2,0,0,3,3)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord Am (x,0,2,2,1,0)
Voir photo de l'accord


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Comment lire une Tablature

Capodastre en case 5

Plus d'infos sur les capodastres

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Changer de tonalité :
[F F][Am Am][C C][G G] x3

(let ring:)
F F                            Am Am
 Give it time and wonder why do what we can laugh and we cry                
        C C                                                   G G
And we sleep in your dust because we've seen this all before
F F                                   Am Am
 Culture fades with tears and grace leaving us stunned hollow with shame
        C C                                 G G
We have seen this all, seen this all before
F F                                    Am Am                                  |
 Many tribes of a modern kind doing brand new work, same spirit by side  |
        C C                                      G G                         | x2
Joining hearts and hand and ancestral twine, ancestral twine             |

F F          Am Am     |
 Slowly it fades  |
C C          G G      | x2
 Slowly we fade   |

(let ring:)
F F                   Am Am                 |
 Emanayo yo yo yo... Emanayo yo yo yo  |
C C                   G G                  | x2
 Emanayo yo yo yo... Emanayo yo yo yo  |

F F                                     Am Am                    |            
Spirit bird she creaks and groans she knows she has,        |
                C C                             G G             | x2
Seen this all before she has, seen this all before she has  |

F F          Am Am
 Slowly it fades
C C          G G
 Slowly we fade
F F          Am Am
 Slowly it fades
C C          G G> let ring
 Slowly we fade___________

[F F][Am Am] 
            C C         G G
Slowly we fade__________

F F                   Am Am                 |
 Emanayo yo yo yo... Emanayo yo yo yo  |
C C                   G G                  | x2
 Emanayo yo yo yo... Emanayo yo yo yo  |

        F F                      Am Am
Soldier on, soldier on my good country man
                       C C                                        G G
Keep fighting for your culture now, keep fighting for your land
                              F F                                           Am Am
I know it’s been thousands of years and I feel your hurt and I know it’s wrong
                                                    C C
And you feel you've been chained and broken and burned and those beautiful old
                      G G
people those wise old souls have been ground down for far too long by that
 F F                                   Am Am
spineless man, that greedy man, that heartless man, deceiving man 
     C C                                            G G
That government hand taking blood and land taking blood and land and still they can 
         F F                                      Am Am
But your dreaming and your warrior spirit lives on
                    C C                                                   G G
and it is so so so strong in the earth in the trees in the rocks in the water in your blood and in the air we breath
        F F                      Am Am
Soldier on, soldier on my good country man
                       C C                                    G G
keep fighting for your children, now keep fighting for your land______

F F          Am Am
 Slowly it fa_______________des
C C          G G
 Slowly we fa_______________de
F F          Am Am
 Slowly it fa_______________des
C C          G G>let ring
 Slowly we fa_______________de
(let ring:)
F F                   Am Am                 |
 Emanayo yo yo yo... Emanayo yo yo yo  |
C C                   G G                  | x2
 Emanayo yo yo yo... Emanayo yo yo yo  |

[F F][Am Am][C C][G G]

F F                               Am Am
 give it time and we wonder why do what we can laugh and we cry                
        C C
and we sleep in your dust because we've seen this all before...


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La musique seule a une place dans le monde actuel, précisément parce qu'elle ne prétend pas dire des choses déterminées.
(Mikhaïl Bakounine)