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Sunday With The Flu tab

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Tablature gratuite Sunday with the Flu pour guitare acoustique. Partition Yodelice avec accords pour débutant

Accords (3)

Comment lire et jouer les accords

Accord C (x,3,2,0,1,0)
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Accord F (1,3,3,2,1,1)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord Am (x,0,2,2,1,0)
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Capodastre en case 5

Plus d'infos sur les capodastres

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Changer de tonalité :
Intro : [Am Am][Am Am][F F-C C][Am Am] 

1st verse:
Am Am 
Closed my door, forgot my key
Am Am
Missed my bus in the pouring rain
         F F    -     C C     -       Am Am
It's been the usual sunday with a flu
F F   -       C C   -          Am Am
 And I just can't get over you

2nd verse:
Burnt my toast and lost your number
Am Am
Cut my finger, spilled my beer
         F F    -     C C     -       Am Am
It's been the usual sunday with a flu
F F   -       C C   -          Am Am
 And I just can't get over you

  F F     -            C C    -       Am Am
I put your stockings in my purple boots
F F   -     Cx  -          Am Am
What if I don't get over you

3rd verse:
Am Am 
Had a chat and left my hat
Am Am
Hate my dog and walked my cat
         F F    -     C C     -       Am Am
It's been the usual sunday with a flu
F F   -       C C   -          Am Am
 And I just can't get over you

  F F     -            C C    -       Am Am
I put your stockings in my purple boots
F F   -     Cx  -          Am Am
What if I don't get over you

[Am Am][Am Am][F F-C C][Am Am] 

  F F     -            C C    -       Am Am
I put your stockings in my purple boots
F F   -     Cx  -          Am Am
What if I don't get over you

4th verse:
Am Am 
Call the cabbage, threw the garbage
Am Am 
Asked for help and got some cap
         F F    -     C C     -       Am Am
It's been the usual sunday with a flu
F F   -       C C   -          Am Am
 And I just can't get over you

  F F     -            C C    -       Am Am
I put your stockings in my purple boots
F F   -     Cx
What if I don't get over you


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La musique est le seul plaisir sensuel sans vice.
(Samuel Johnson)